Optimization of Phenolic Compounds Extraction from Ruta Chalepensis (Tenadam)Leaves and its Antioxidant Activity


Phenolic compounds are relevant group of plant secondary metabolites (SM) noticed by the presence of aromatic rings linking one or more hydroxyl groups, and regroups numerous groups such flavonoids, anthocyanins, flavanols, flavonols, flavanones, phenolic acids, stilbenes and complex molecules derived from them. Phenolic compounds were spread in the plant kingdom and the richest secondary metabolites of plants, with more than 8,000 phenolic structures currently known. Phenolic compounds extracted from natural sources are an important category of antioxidants and have a variety of physiological activity such as antioxidant, ant mutagenic, antiallergenic, antiinflammatory, ant-diabetic and antimicrobial effects and thus are widely used in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and food fields. Antioxidant compound is an important role due to favorable effect on human health and food consumption by reducing the risk of human disease such as, cancer, diabetes, other aging disease. Antioxidant activity presents in plants and play significant role in the protection of cells and organism. the natural antioxidant extracted from plant is useful in medicinally and also possess wide spectrum of biological activities like inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral activities