Various Techniques for Meat Preservation for a long duration


Meat is an important component of a healthy and balanced diet due to its nutritional richness. Нe composition of meat provides an ideal environment for the growth and propagation of spoilage microbes and common foodborne pathogens. Microbial growth and metabolism depends upon the condition of the carcasses at the time of slaughter, the type of packaging and storage conditions. Microbial spoilage results in a sour taste, oوٴ-flavors, discoloration, gas production, pH change, slime formation, structural components degradation, oوٴ odors and change in appearance. Preservation ensures that the quality, nutritive value and edibility of meat remain intact. It may be noted that modern meat food processors do not rely on any single preservative technique. For controlling enzymatic, oxidative and microbial spoilage, low temperature storage and chemical techniques are the most common in the industry today. It is essential to store the meat at lower than 4°C immediately aÑ–er slaughtering and during transport and storage, as it is critical for meat hygiene, safety, shelf life, appearance and eating quality. Нerefore, it is imperative to employ a combination of preservative factor in a balanced manner to derive maximum benefit. A combination of chemical additives such as tertiary butyl hydroxyl quinine and ascorbic acid can be most eوٴective for controlling spoilage of meat and meat products. Нe application of pressure-processed meat or meat products will be launched in the market in the near future because of the development of true commercial-scale high-pressure machines and reduced running costs. As meat is quickly spoiled due to microbes, it is advised that meat should be properly preserved so that it remains in good condition for future use. Further work on the development of low cost eوٴective preservation technique without aوٴecting organoleptic and nutritive qualities of food, which can be easily practiced by poor resource nations of the world, will be rewarding